Friday 27 February 2015

Four Best Friends

A long time ago at small village lived four best friends. Their names were Ramu, Shamu, Kalu, and Lalu. The first three guys had spent a few years for studying, so that they became educated. However, Lalu didn’t want to study, this made people thought him as stupid.

One day, those four best friends were sitting together when Ramu said, “My friends, now is the time to leave this village.”

“Yes,” said Shamu, “We have spent a few years for studying. Now we have to out of this village and looking for our luckiness.”

“The three of us are educated and have knowledge. But, Lalu is different, he is just stupid guy. How about we leave him in this village?” asked Kalu.

“No!” shouted Lalu with annoyed, “You have to take me. All this time, I have been friend with you.”

Then those four best friends prepared their stuffs and ready to begin their long journey.

After walking for a while, they arrived at a big forest.

“Look!” shouted Ramu, “What those things on the ground?”

“These are pilled of bones,” replied Shamu.

“This is our chance to know how good our skills,” said Kalu.

“Don’t! Don’t!” shouted Lalu, “We need to observe, what kind of animal bones are those.”

“Just shut up, Lalu!” said Ramu, “You know nothing. I know how to arrange these bones.”

“I know how to put the skin, muscle, and other organs at the same time,” said Shamu.

“And I know how to bring back this animal alive!” said Kalu excitedly.

“Don’t! Don’t!” shouted Lalu trembling because scared. “Those bones are lion’s bones. I feel really scared!”

“Ha! Ha!” the three arrogant guys laughed. “How stupid are you! You are such a coward!”

Ramu then started saying some mantras and magically all those bones of dead lion rearranged back. Then, Shamu with his skill gave it skin, muscle, and its other organs.”

“Stop it!” yelled Lalu, “You did it too far! Don’t make the lion back alive. It will kill all of us.”

“You are not only stupid, but also jealous of our knowledge. Be quite and watch it,” said the three guys with angrily.

Along with Kalu was saying mantras, Lalu immediately climbed up a tree and sat there full of fear.

Roaring of Lion suddenly broke the silence of forest. The wild lion was alive again.

“Help! Help!” shouted those three guys. The hungry lion attacked them and quickly made them as prey, then it walked into the darkness of forest.

Lalu climbed down of tree and witnessed the rest of his friends’s bodies with sadness. “My educated friends thought that they knew every thing. They lost their life, because lack of general knowledge.”

Eventually, a healthy mind and general knowledge which had saved Lalu’s life.

A/N: Be wise when using your knowledge! :), tell me nicely when you notice grammatical error ^^

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